
Showing posts from May, 2022

Protocols: 6) Building up and Demolition

Never destroy without legal purpose.   This protocol from “thou shalt not kill”, references the destruction of life.  To destroy  is f rom Latin meaning tear down, demolish, literally “un-build.”  Legal is “of or pertaining to the law”, and law  in Indo-Eurpopean words are most commonly from verbs for  to put, place, set, lay . Words for law  in the general sense mostly mean “what is right” and often are connected with adjective for “right”.  These are often figurative uses of words for straight, upright, true, fitting, or usage or custom. So we are admonished to never un-build something without it being set in place as something agreed upon as right, true, or fitting. Perhaps stated most simply, this protocol admonishes us to don’t “un-build” what is not yours to unbuild.   And life  refers to more than just the living being, it includes the thoughts, actions, attitudes, and more, that the living being pursues or holds.   Destruction and demolition are often associated with unthinkin

Protocols: 5) Respect your Elders

Respect those who have gone before you. Respect  is to “look at” and to “look back at.”   Give attention to  is another way of identifying the word respect. Many cultures seek to honor their ancestors and those with experience who came before. The word elder  arises from Old English referring to an older person, parent, ancestor, chief or prince, or one have authority in the community.  Other languages describe this as parents. More than just parents elder basically can be summarized as “those who have gone before you and have experience (wisdom). In an age where “elders” of all kinds–parents, old folks, and authorities–are being disrespected by the popular culture, it still makes great sense to have respect for your elders–those who have gone before you. They just may be able to impart some wisdom for living that you might learn. A good protocol for living is to give attention to those who have come before you. You just might gain from their experiences (wisdom) in dealing with y

Protocols: 4) Remember to Rest

Regularly rest within reality. Rest  is an intermission of labor, metal peace, a state of quiet or repose.   Rest  also carries the meaning of to keep, cause to continue to remain. We are told that “God rested” on the seventh day of creation.  We are told that God is one and that God is.  If God took an intermission of labor, assumed mental peace, and/or a state of quiet repose to keep and cause to remain, shouldn’t we?  While operating within reality it is important to remember to rest .  It is important to rest regularly . Cease your labor and your struggles.  Find mental peace and quiet repose.  Remain in reality and continue;  choose to,  a t regular intervals, rest.   Remain in reality and seek mental peace. It is a good model to emulate.  

Protocols: 3) Be Careful with What is Real

Be careful with what you perceive to be real. Careful  is to be “full of care”, that is concern, applying attention.  This aspect of the meaning of the word certainly applies to reality .   Though our perceptions of reality may differ somewhat from reality, we should be full of care and concern that our perceptions are indeed what is the aggregate of all that is real. We should remember that neither our perception, nor that of anyone else, may be the actual reality.   Be full of care when you are dealing in reality.  While it is an objective occurrence it is often a subjective experience.  Use care. Be careful – full of concern and applying attention in most everything you do, but especially when you are dealing with your reality.

Protocols: 2) Live in Reality

There is one reality; your perception of it is NOT the entire reality. Reality is “real existence, what is real, the aggregate of all that is real”.   Perception  is “understanding”.  What you understand of reality is not the aggregate of all that is real.   This is how multiple people can observe the same reality and yet arrive at totally different perceptions of reality.  People create what it is they desire to perceive.  It is common that our desire and that of reality may not always be in congruence.   Remember, your perception of reality is not the entire reality.   Not everyone perceives as you do.

Protocols: 1) Love God, Others, Self

A protocol  is acting in accordance or agreement with a certain standard, model, or original.  In our case principles for living. The first protocol  for living is to LOVE.   Love God. Love others. Love Self.   The love referred to here is a care or desire to elevate the good of others above personal gratification.  It is more about giving  (bestowing) than it is getting or taking (seizing, or grasping). The first protocol is, basically, care . Have a concern, pay attention and give attention to, God, others and self.   It is a good protocol to bestow your care to God; to bestow your care of others to them; to bestow upon your self the care that you need. For most it is easier said that done. It is easier to grasp, hold, and use than it is to give, grow, and bestow.   "Give a care."

Principles: 7) Don’t Maim an Animal for Food, be Merciful to it.

Originally a prohibition against eating a “part” of a living animal for food; for example cutting off a leg to eat while letting the animal go.  The key here is being merciful rather than destructive.  Mercy refers to God’s forgiveness of the “offenses” of creation and to compassion  generally.  As part of creation, God has been merciful to us.  So should we be merciful to the rest of God’s creation.   Don’t seek to inflict painful distressing cruelty to others. Seek mercy to all, even to the animals you eat.  God has shown mercy to us. We show mercy to others, even unto animals. 

Principles: 6) Don’t Seek to Rob Another’s Pleasure

Similar to principle number 5, JUST seeking our own pleasure, this principle encourages us to not seek to rob anyone else of their pleasure. How easy it is to rob another of their pleasure.  The excited child who is full of energy to explore a new discovery, only to be told that it is not possible.  The new found discovery to be tried only to be told “that won’t work.”  The individual who is told “you can’t do it” for whatever reason and whatever “it” may be.  These types  of things, and more besides, robs another of their pleasure. There are a couple of commandments that have been written that touch on this concept:  “don’t steal” and “don’t covet other people’s stuff.”  We’ll touch on them at a later posting. But seeking to rob another of their pleasure is stealing .  Seeking to “steal their pleasure” for whatever reason is “coveting other people’s stuff.”   Seek to encourage and support, if it possible, another in their pleasure.  If you can not, or will not, then encourage them on

Principles: 5) Don’t JUST Seek Your Own Pleasure

Pleasure is a source of enjoyment, pleasing quality or thing, or that which pleases or gratifies the senses or the mind.    Gratifying the mind or the senses is to give preference to the physical portion of your self .  There is so much more than just your physical self.  There are other people to consider.  There are the aspects of character, spirit, creativity and much more.   While it is generally not harmful to seek your own pleasure, this principle states don’t just  seek your own pleasure.  If all you do is seek your own pleasure then you are missing out on helping others, and, perhaps, missing out on focusing on your own growth.   The statement may also be read  don’t just seek  your  own pleasure.   Seek to share pleasure with others; seek to bring pleasure to the divine by “strengthening” your non-physical attributes through growth. There is more to living than seeking pleasure.  Pursue the attributes of “non-physical” things like character, spirit, creativity and such to  “

Principles: 4) Don’t Seek Destruction

  Destruction is literally “un-building” something.  Those who seek to destroy seek to “un-build” something that is already created. Creation is the act of causing something to come into being and is from ancient words meaning to grow, to make, to bring forth .   There are many forms of destruction  and some principles associated with such include “don’t unlawfully destroy what is not yours”, and “don’t make untruthful testimonies.” Some pretend that they  are the creator of the universe rather than just a part of the body.  Another useful principle to live by is “don’t assume the character of God without a godly purpose”.  Pretending to be THE  creator, but not behaving like THE  creator is to destroy the reputation and character of THE creator. Don’t “un-build” what THE creator has already built. Seek creative construction.

Principles: 3) Seek the Heart of Justice

Justice   is a word derived from Latin indicating righteousness, equity, uprightness. Equity  is from Latin meaning even, just, equal.   The heart of justice  would be the very core of what justice  means: a morally correct, good, fair, proper, fitting, straight (not crooked) direct manner.   To seek the heart of justice  is to seek to be morally correct, good, proper, fitting, not convoluted or off-track, direct in manner and producing upright, even treatment of all people.   Living by a moral code is most likely to produce a “straight line” that does not waver, is not crooked.  It is most useful in determining your principles for living.    Living without a moral code that results in justice is like trying to draw a straight-line freehanded.  It never  results in as straight a line as desired. Seek the heart of justice.  Be morally upright and demonstrate equity.  Develop a code of moral conduct by which you live.   These are good principles for living.

Principles: 2) Don’t Cut the Divine Out of Your Life

The word divine  refers to pertaining to, of the nature of, or proceeding from God or a god.   The word God  refers to the supreme being, deity, the creator – the something greater than everything and anything that you may perceive or understand. Don’t separate yourself from this creator God, but strive to include the divine in every aspect of your life.   Various religious rules have encouraged concepts of “put God first” and “devote about 10% of your waking week to God.” [ Note : this works out to be almost 1 full day a week, or about 2 to 2.5 hours per day.]  Perhaps the most important  religious concept is “don’t make yourself, or allow others to make yourself impure.” We’ll come back to these concepts in future posts, but the point is: remember that you  came “from God” and you  are only separated from God if you choose  to be.  So don’t let anyone, anything, or your own thoughts convince you that “your not good enough” to be associated with the Divine, the Creator, with God. Clo

Principles: 1) Don’t Worship What You Perceive

The word worship is from an old word meaning “condition of being worthy, dignity, glory, distinction, honor, renown” from two words indicating worth ship.  It came to mean reverence paid to a divine being. Perception is from an old word meaning “understanding, a taking cognizance”.  Don’t hold what you understand with the same reverence that should be shown to the divine creator. Don’t worship your perceptions, nor your own creations; they are created not creator . There is something greater than everything and anything that you may perceive or understand. Worship the greater power that created you. --------------------------------  Each light in the image below is a star.  The Creator is greater still.

Science and Spirit CAN go Hand-in-hand

Often it is claimed that spirit and science are incompatible or exclusive and can not legitimately be considered together.  A paper by a quantum Physicist dispels this myth.  Quantum physics does NOT exclude “a belief in the soul.”  Read more in  Science and Spirit CAN Go Hand in Hand