
Showing posts from June, 2022

Precepts: Authority

       Submit to authority "Now wait a minute!" many will say.  Submission to authority is a negative and not a positive. Submit is "to yield one's self" and is from Latin words meaning under  and let go, send .  Submission is letting go and allowing. Authority is from Latin word auctor meaning master, leader, author and which should not be confused with actor  indicating "to do, perform."

Precepts: Meeting needs

Live in and meet the needs of reality. Meet the needs of those who need it. Be aware of, and meet the needs of yourself.

Protocols: 10) Never Desire to Destroy Another's Reality

As we discussed in  Protocols for Living: 2) Live in Reality  and  Protocols for Living: 3) Be Careful with What is Real ,  reality  is real existence and the aggregate of all that is real. Each individual has their own perception of that which constitutes their reality.   To destroy another's perception of reality is to destroy their reality.  It shakes the very foundation of their world.  Now, there may be times where such foundations need shaking, but maliciously seeking to destroy someone's perception of reality is a harmful thing to seek. A good protocol for living is to never seek to destroy another's reality. Like killing it is a destruction from which some never really recover.

Protocols: 9) Never Present Unreality as Reality

  As we discussed in  Protocols for Living: 2) Live in Reality  and  Protocols for Living: 3) Be Careful with What is Real , reality  is real existence and the aggregate of all that is real.   Unreal  is that with is not  real, or that which is actually existing or having physical existence.  

Protocols: 8) Never Steal

"Midnight requisitions”, taking, getting, extended “borrowing”, pilfering, swiping, and more.  These are euphemisms for stealing .   To steal is is to take and carry off clandestinely and without right or permission.  It is from an ancient word meaning the same thing. Stealing is a lack of respect (regard, or looking at and observing another).  To take what others claim as their own without the right to do so, or the other’s permission is, simply put, disrespectful.  It is demeaning (lowering the dignity of) and  degrading (depriving the dignity) of others,  and basically communicates “I am more important that you and you don’t matter.”  It does NOT promote building a society of trust, peace and security. Just look about you at the cities and neighborhoods where there is no trust, no respect, no lifting up of others and you will find death, misery, theft, debasement, discouragement, and more negative feelings, emotions, and results...

Protocols: 7) Dance with your own partner

  To  dance  is a “succession of steps and movements” and as the image below notes “ everything in the universe has rhythm.  Everything dances.”  Life as we know it is a succession of steps and movements.   Most people are aware of this protocol through its reference to adultery.  From Latin prefix meaning “to" and a suffix meaning “alter” indicating “beyond other” the word adulteration is akin to  adultery,  referring  to “a state of begin debased by mixture with something else.” A good protocol for living is to take the steps of life without debasing yourself by mixing your purity with something impure.